Without focus I can’t succeed
I scheduled too many things today.
Mondays are for thinking and writing, and I knew I had a lot to think about and at least one thing to write about.
But two calls had slipped into my schedule. No, that’s not true. I said “Yes” to two calls today.
That would have been OK, but my wife is out of town, so I’m getting my son off to school, making dinner, and walking the dog. There’s also laundry piling up.
By noon, I realized I would have to cancel my appointment to tutor at a local school. My lack of discipline and focus had already claimed its first victim.
I buckled down to think and write but realized I hadn’t confirmed some of the new business calls scheduled for this week. It would only take a minute, and then I could write and think.
An hour later, I got back to writing. But by now, my thinking wasn’t clear. I tried one angle that didn’t work, so I took a second one. Still no dice.
So now I’m writing this instead. It’s not what I wanted to write about, but I’ve been thinking about it, and today, it crystallized for me.
I have limits
My limits have become more apparent every year.
I want to make an impact with my work. I also want to build connections with the people I love. But doing those things can’t take up all my time and energy. I also need some for my interior life of faith and ideas!
To respect my limits, I make choices and say “no.”
Saying no to many good things makes room for the best, the most important, precious, and crucial things.
Without a boatload of nos, I’ll never get to my most significant yeses.
Today, I failed that. Tomorrow, I get to try again.
What are you saying “no” to today so that you can say “yes” to the things you do that make the most impact?

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