There is no perfect path

Do you ever feel like you’re lost, like you’re off the path, not successful – things need to change now!

What if that’s not true?

For about 4 years, I pursued creating a resource library and community site for small business owners called

I poured time and attention into it, taking focus away from my advisory business. I hired a team to work on it and invested money in SEO, software, and ads. When I add it all up, my total outlay is deep into 6-figures.

It was my dream of a totally online business generating passive income.

When I woke up from that dream, I had generated less than $10,000 of sales from that site. We garnered a lot of visits and even some fans, but no real money.

By any reasonable business measure, it was a disaster.

This is the way

While I regret that detour in my business path and thinking of the money lost stings, that disaster (and many others like it) led me to where I am now. 

I could tell you about all the things I learned and people I met in the midst of that adventure and how valuable they are to me now – but that’s beside the point. It was a mistake. 

We won’t always make the “right” decision. It’s OK.

That “mistake” created the man that I am now – it enabled the business I have today. (Which I love!)

If you feel lost, or like you are “off the rails,” it’s OK to stop and ask, Given all of that, what do I want to create today?

Then start from there.

(If you’d want a thought partner to help you to chart a path forward, hit reply and let me know. I have time reserved on my calendar for you!)

5 days to get
control of your
business (and life)

A 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling
and get your business moving again.