What did your peers say about resilience?

Last week, I asked the question, “How do you gather your strength when you’ve been knocked down? What tools or strategies do you use to continue to do hard things when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Many of you responded (I’m so grateful!). Here are some excerpts from the wisdom your peers offered to answer that question.

Focus on Mindset.

A combination of stubborn tenacity and indefatigable optimism.

On one hand, getting laid off over 15 years ago provided me motivation to constantly prove to the world that I rock, and that drives me to consistently work my ass off.

On the other hand, my dad used to say, “It’s only money. And it will come.”   And if I continue to believe that, it does. So when things go in the shitter, I counterintuitively double down on my belief that everything will be ok.

Or from another reader.

Come back time and time again to who I am and what I truly want and work from that foundation.


I focus on the evidence in my life that shows I can bounce back from challenges.

I reframe my mindset from thinking of those periods as stumbles, shortcomings, and failures – all words that assign judgment – and instead look at them as learning opportunities, growth moments, and inflection points.

Because that’s what happened, looking back, I can see – I learned, and grew.

A year from now, I’ll look back and see this as a speed bump, just as I now see those past experiences.

Do what you need to reset.

Business is about relationships.  If you have a hard time letting go and moving on, your relationships will suffer and eventually lead to resentment and burnout.  Don’t ignore mistakes or deficiencies; address them and learn from them.  And then move on.

Another reader continued in a similar vein.

Calculate the financial impact, make plans to cut expenses (usually that’s people), and wait at least 24 hours before taking action, but take action.

Keep Going.

Napoleon Hill, in his book Think and Grow Rich, tells the story of a gold miner who thought he’d struck gold. He bought mining equipment and got a few good cartfuls of gold before the mine ran dry.

Thinking he’d made a giant mistake, he sold his equipment and claim to a junk man who then consulted with an engineer who suggested there was an enormous gold deposit 3 feet further down the mine. He kept going and the junk man became very rich.

We’re all three feet away from the gold. That keeps me going. 

Other quick-hit strategies:

  • I sing Jennifer Nettles’ song “I can do hard things” loudly through the tears until I can’t sing (or cry) anymore!
  • I remember all the times I’ve done hard things and not only gotten through them but also found love, happiness, wealth, and joy on the other side.
  • Go for a walk, preferably in the woods, with my dog. It improves my perspective immensely.
  • Call my mom; she’s still my biggest cheerleader.
  • I pray. It resets my mind and shifts my results.

If you’re facing something difficult today, I want you to hear this from another reader, “It sucks, and I’m sorry for that agency leader. Boy, have we all been there.

If you’re facing setbacks and business isn’t as fun for you as before, hit reply. Let’s talk about how to reset your mindset and get you moving again!

5 days to get
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A 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling
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