What should I do the next 90 days?

We talked on Thursday about how the next 90 days are likely critical to enable you to finish 2021 strong and set you up for a successful 2022.

What to do now!

Now is the time to work on your account reviews.

Sit down with your team, and client by client, ask the following questions:

  • What did we do this year that was a home run for them? How can we do more of that?
  • What are the most important goals that they need to accomplish yet this year? How about in 2022? What ideas do we have to help them with those goals?
  • What could we do that would demonstrate that we are on that same path with them? What’s one thing we could do, even if they didn’t pay for it, that would demonstrate our alignment with their priorities?

Take your clients one at a time, starting with the one who’s paid you the most and down to those who have only paid a little.

Do the same thing with prospects that are on your target list. What do they need? How can we help?

Now reach out to them.

Once you’ve done the internal account review, reach out to each client and offer to have a high-level strategic conversation about their business goals. Plan a good long meeting and ask them to tell you about their goals and plans. Where are they going, and what’s holding them back.

Offer to help. Give them solutions to the obstacles that they see. Work with them.

Doing this will reset the relationship. Done right, you re-establish your leadership position as a strategic resource and create opportunities for future business.

How do you do account reviews in your agency? Hit reply and let me know!

5 days to get
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A 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling
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