
What’s keeping you from getting that critical thing done?

You know what I’m talking about, that thing; the pivotal project or crucial task that could change everything. That’s going to unlock the door to the growth and fulfillment you’ve never had before.

What’s stopping you from doing that?

It’s not knowledge.

We live in a time when there’s more access to information than at any time in history. You’ve got Google, YouTube, online courses… The knowledge you need is available.

It’s not time.

We know that you have all the time that you want to put toward it. Your busyness is just an avoidance tactic.

“Do the thing, and you shall have the power.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Is it clarity?

Do you have a clear view of what the next step is; a vivid picture of what it’s going to be like when you have completed it?

Is it drive?

This project is a lot of work. You’ve started down this path before, and there be dragons! Obstacles and pitfalls to overcome. Is that what’s holding you back?

Tell me; I’m dying to hear. Hit reply and tell me what’s stopping you!

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