
What’s the “best” team you were ever a part of?

I want you to think about the best team you’ve ever worked with. The team that had you engaged; that got the most out of you; where you accomplished more than you thought you could. Got it in your mind?
I’ve asked a ton of people to tell me about their “best team,” and when I ask them to describe it, they always tell me about a group where everyone contributed, where they had a common ambitious goal, and worked together to accomplish it.
It’s never a story about one superstar and his supporting cast.

What’s your team like?

If I sat down with your team would they tell me about that team of equals all pulling together, or would they tell me about a superstar who:
  • works hard to bring in all the clients.
  • is continuously thinking about the next strategic move.
  • is the genius who makes it all run
The truth is — to be really successful, to maximize the impact you will have in the world — you need a team of folks who are smarter than you are, you need clients who trust your whole team and are willing to give all of you those high impact opportunities.

The success of your business is mostly about your team.

This is a difficult transition to make as a leader. If you want to build a business that scales past $1M and reaches for $2.5M or more it’s a transition that you have to make. I’ve seen a TON of business owners who never make it.
Do you want to be one of the few who do?
Hit reply and let’s get on the phone. It’s hard work, but it’s totally worth it.

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