When It Absolutely, Positively Needs to Get Done

For the last 26 weeks, I’ve been emailing my coach weekly updates on important initiatives.

I update her on everything from my self-leadership assessment to discoveries about becoming more humble and meek.

The results are astonishing!

These weekly reflections have enabled me to make rapid course corrections when I’m off track, significantly improving my focus.

Despite my somewhat rocky relationship with goals, this practice has helped me stay dedicated to my most critical initiatives.

I recently found an academic study that supports this experience: 76% of those who emailed friends with weekly updates stayed on track! That’s over an 80% improvement from those who only thought about their goals!

(Nothing like an academic paper to validate experience 🤪.)

It’s crunch time.

The next 12 weeks are the most important weeks of the year.

If you want to close the year strong and secure new business, now is the time—before the holidays. It’s also budget season for many companies; you need to engage with them now for next year’s work!

After a summer of distractions, getting focused is more important than ever!

Who’s ready to put this idea into action now?

What Will You Accomplish in the Next 12 Weeks?

With twelve weeks until Thanksgiving, what’s one goal you must achieve?

Hit reply and tell me your goal and who you’ll enroll to help you get there.

If you need help identifying that goal or achieving it, I have a new, more affordable model incorporating this discovery. Between now and Thanksgiving, I can assist four people who want to improve their odds of success. Reply to learn more.

5 days to get
control of your
business (and life)

A 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling
and get your business moving again.