Who do you need to be right now?

Before I walk into a room or turn on a zoom call, I stop and think, “Who do I need to be in this meeting?

Now I’m not talking about putting on a costume or wearing a mask. To be as effective and impactful as possible, I don’t need to be more than my most authentic self.


I know that at any given time, I can authentically show up in many different ways. For example, I had a hard time sleeping last night. I could show up in this next meeting drowsy and grumpy. That would be an authentic expression of my current state.


I could choose to take a minute and look out the window where the sun is shining on a warm spring day. I could stop and play with my dog for a few minutes – he always elevates my mood and energy. I could think about all the work I’ve done with the person on this next call and be excited for what she’s about in the world.

I can authentically be glad to see her, coming from a place of great energy and excitement, even though I didn’t get a good night’s sleep.

Who do you need to be today? What do you need to choose to do to create that way of being for yourself and those around you?

5 days to get
control of your
business (and life)

A 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling
and get your business moving again.