
Are you ready to change? (Reading Time 90 sec — but it’s a hard 90 sec)

In the last two emails, I’ve talked about some common problems that entrepreneurs confront when they are growing their business.

They are over-invested in their importance and competence. They believe, “If I work harder, it will get better.” They don’t see anyone helping them — it’s all up to them. They can’t let go…

If you are going to make progress growing your business, you are going to have to do some things differently. Things that make you uncomfortable. Things that you aren’t going to like (at first).

Are you ready to do that?

Elizabeth Gilbert on Twitter: “I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting sick of their own bullshit.”

So I’ve got to ask you, what is your own bullshit that you can’t stand any longer?




No, I’m serious.

What stories have you been telling yourself? What excuses have you been giving? What truth have you been denying? What are you defending, protecting, or avoiding that has just gotten to be too much?




I’m waiting… Write it down.

Make today the day that that bullshit dies and your new way of being starts.

But don’t do it alone. Find a friend, or 3, and share with them what is making you sick. Tell them to call you on it when you go back to it.

If you’re sick of your own bullshit that’s keeping you from what you want and are committed to change, send me a note and tell me about it.

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