
Getting more done by doing less.

None of us got to the point where we were working non-stop because we thought it was a good idea! We did it because there’s so much work that needs to be done!

Or so I thought.

As I’ve been learning to slow down, I’ve discovered something unexpected.

Most of the work I thought was incredibly important isn’t. Most of it doesn’t even need to be done.

Marie Kondo your to-do list

When I stop and let the snow settle in the snow globe, I can see the one or two things that are essential that I do next.

That clarity means that I can put my entire focus on doing just that, making tremendous progress with a lot less activity.

What gets left out? A lot of stuff that sounds like “I should really…” or “He wants me to…”

Will you give it a try (just for one day) and let me know how it goes?

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