How many “grownups” do you have in your business?

How many “grownups” do you have in your business?

I was chatting with a referral partner this week (The incomparable Adam Radulovic) and as we were discussing a company that I thought needed his services he asked me, “How many grownups are there in that organization?” “What do you mean, ‘grownups’?” I asked. “You know. Who’s telling the kids to do their homework, and…

Don’t do it because I told you to — do it because you want it!

Don’t do it because I told you to — do it because you want it!

Drove back from Boston to Chicago last weekend to ferry my new college graduate (and all her stuff) back home. Along the way, we played the license plate game. (We found 47 states in just over 1000 miles!) I couldn’t help but notice that every time we found a New Hampshire plate, I had a…

Stages of business growth
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Why is my business growth stuck? Natural barriers to growth in the business lifecycle.

Just like children, businesses grow through predictable phases. We start life as baby startups, then progress to raging growth companies, before settling into a more stable “adult” phase. But as we cross each of those growth stages things change — and if we don’t change with them our growth can get stuck. Here’s my version…


Are you ready to change? (Reading Time 90 sec — but it’s a hard 90 sec)

In the last two emails, I’ve talked about some common problems that entrepreneurs confront when they are growing their business. They are over-invested in their importance and competence. They believe, “If I work harder, it will get better.” They don’t see anyone helping them — it’s all up to them. They can’t let go… If…