Stages of business growth
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Why is my business growth stuck? Natural barriers to growth in the business lifecycle.

Just like children, businesses grow through predictable phases. We start life as baby startups, then progress to raging growth companies, before settling into a more stable “adult” phase. But as we cross each of those growth stages things change — and if we don’t change with them our growth can get stuck. Here’s my version…

The key to organic business growth: Don’t let your business get stagnant
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The key to organic business growth: Don’t let your business get stagnant

“What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don’t change, you die. It’s that simple. It’s that scary.” – Leonard Sweet Let’s face it. The last four…

Top 5 Predictions for Small Business in 2015
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Top 5 Predictions for Small Business in 2015 (and how to prepare)

Based on the broad economic indicators 2015 is shaping up to be a terrific year for the US economy. The question is, for most business owners, “What will that mean for mybusiness?” A robust economy generally means that our customers have more money to spend, so our sales pipelines might start to really move again….

How do I know it’s time to hire?
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How do I know it’s time to hire?

One of the most agonizing decisions that a business owner has to make is deciding when to hire a new employee. It’s a huge risk! You’re bringing on additional salary, you have the cost and distraction of the search, there’s training the new person… And what if they don’t work out? It’s a difficult process…

Social media for small businesses
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Reality Check: What Is Social Media Doing For You?

When social marketing was first introduced, we all jumped onboard just because it was thing to do. We were told it would do great things for our businesses – but we didn’t really know. It was giant experiment that brought about one of two results: Some businesses cashed in big time. Some businesses saw no or little return….

Make money from your website
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Website: Show Me The Money

Ten years ago, our goal was to have an “Internet presence.” Why? Just because. So we put up our drab-looking, copy-heavy, hard-to-find websites with a goal of being nothing more than “present.” And we were good with that. But today, just being”present” doesn’t cut it. The Internet has evolved and so has what we expect – or should expect…