Tips for Achieving Small Business Goals
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Are You Writing Goals – or Achieving Them?

Many of us have just completed setting our goals for 2009 (and if you haven’t yet, stop reading this right now and get going on it!). Writing down your goals is a great first step toward achieving them. But once you’re done with this exercise, then what? Unfortunately, for so many business owners, the next…

Don't Sell Yourself - Or Your Services - Short
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Don’t Sell Yourself – Or Your Services – Short

Many new professional-service or creative-service businesses price their services below market as a way to bring in business. There is some logic to this practice. Since you lack client references and a demonstrated track record, there is more risk for the initial few clients. But pretty soon, as business increases, so too does your overhead. You may want to hire…

Small Business Wellness Ideas, Tips & Advice
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Healthy Businesses Check Their Vitals

Is Your Business in Good Health? Check Your Business Vital Signs to Find Out A desperate business owner trudges into a doctor’s office and says, “My business is not feeling well.” “What seems to be the problem?” the doctor asks. “I don’t know…my company is not making much of a profit, the employees aren’t happy, we’ve…

Focus on Results, Not Just Talk, at Your Meetings
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Focus on Results, Not Just Talk, at Your Meetings

Every meeting has a purpose. That goes without saying, right? No, actually not. Oftentimes, meetings have agendas, but no goals for what should be accomplished. People talk, people listen, but no one makes any progress. That’s why the purpose of your meeting — that is, what you want to accomplish — must be clearly communicated at every meeting….