
More people, more problems: Grow WITHOUT hiring more staff

As we discussed on Tuesday, it’s almost impossible to balance supply (people) with demand (client work) in a service firm. So how do you grow your firm without going through that see-saw? Here are 4 ways to grow your business without adding more people.  1. Stop Overdelivering. Yes, if you ask them, your team will…


Who does YOUR performance review?

This week we’ve talked about evaluating the performance of our team and having difficult conversations when needed. Now its time for the hardest evaluation question… Who has difficult conversations with YOU?  Business owners wear a lot of hats! First and foremost, you are the CEO! You set direction, manage performance, and guide the business toward…

Do you feel alone and vulnerable? Are you afraid of failure and humiliation? Welcome to business ownership!

Do you feel alone and vulnerable? Are you afraid of failure and humiliation? Welcome to business ownership!

When I hear the word “courage” I think first about physical danger; fighting fires, going to war, battles against Mother Nature. But there are other sides of courage that we talk less about. The courage to tell the truth. The courage to reveal your vulnerability. As anyone who’s been on stage can tell you, it…