
The first step to improve your leadership and influence

If you want to be influential and lead others, there is one thing you can do that will have an outsized impact on your leadership. Get a good night’s sleep. Before you sign up for an expensive leadership development program or read another book about leadership, pay attention to the basics. Things like sleep, nutrition,…

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The best way to improve your team’s performance

In human affairs, the distance between the leaders and the average is a constant. If leadership performance is high, the average will go up. The effective executive knows that it is easier to raise one leader’s performance than to raise the performance of a whole mass. ~ Peter Drucker in The Effective Executive Leaders I…

What is “Leadership”?

Founders of creative service firms and other agencies have built a platform that’s created leverage for them. They have a team. They’re leading an organization from a positional sense. However, the team doesn’t always do what they expect, and sometimes team members act in puzzling ways that contradict the direction they have set. To gain…

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Every company is creating two products at once.

We have two products, one we sell to our customers (HubSpot’s CRM) and one we sell to our employees (HubSpot’s culture).  Like your product, you need your culture to be unique relative to the competition (for talent) and you want your culture to be very valuable.  Like your product, when it is unique and valuable,…


One way to improve the thinking that comes out of every meeting

One of the great privileges of my role is that I am invited to listen to 10 – 12 clients every week. During the hour or so I spend with them, my whole job is to listen. In the process of doing that, I’ve discovered something amazing. When I give someone my full attention, their…