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Do you want to maximize your impact and your income?

Life is short.

You’ve got limited time to make the impact you want to make on the world, or your industry, or your family.

You can’t afford to spend time chasing money.

First you serve, then you earn.

If you want to maximize the impact you make, and earn good money, chase the impact and not the money.

Only a tiny fraction of the people and businesses you can serve even know you exist! None of them want to get a cold email from you, very few are looking for you, and hardly any of those want to hear a sales pitch from you.

So what do you do?

Hopefully, you’ve chosen a market that you want to serve.

What do those people and businesses need that you can supply?

Serve them with that thing.

You serve.

Don’t reach out to sell something; offer something of value. Make a difference in 4 lives a week. Change people’s awareness of the challenges that they face and the difference you can make.

When you do that, folks will ask you how they can work with you, and you’ll have folks referring you right and left.

Want to find out more about how to do business development by serving first? Hit reply and send me your questions. I’ll answer, I promise.

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