
Happy (almost) Mother’s Day.

So tomorrow is Mother’s Day in the US. (If you haven’t gotten anything, there’s still time!)

If you are a mom, have a great day tomorrow. Owning a business while caring for little humans is…a lot. God bless you!

I have a coach friend who would draw a lot of the advice she’d offer her business owner clients from her experience as a mom. She felt that dealing with employees and clients was often like dealing with her kids. (See, you’re better at this than you thought.)

Here are some of the gems she’d offer:

  • The days are long, but the years go by fast. You’ve got to enjoy the ride.
  • Build a structure with clear rewards and consequences. They’ll figure it out.
  • Small kids, small problems. Big kids, big problems. (In other words, “You think things are hard NOW?”)
  • When you mess things up, apologize. Then move on.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.

What parenting advice have you heard that applies just as well to your business? Hit reply and let me know!

I’m taking off next week to go see my mom for the first time since before the pandemic – so you won’t hear from me next week.

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