
How to stay focused when the room starts spinning

You have one job to do; you need to keep your business moving forward no matter what is happening in the larger world.

But that “larger world” isn’t making it easy!

We’ve got a pandemic with an ever-shifting public health response. What support will we get from the government? Who is this going to impact our clients?

Thinking through all of this can make you dizzy.

So how do we stay focused on that one job?

You don’t have to figure it all out!

When the world is spinning, you don’t need to know where it’s all going to stop. You don’t need a 5-year plan; you need a 5-day plan! What can you do today that you know will add momentum to the direction you are trying to go?

You could:

  • Call some past clients.
  • Follow up on some deals that fell through.
  • Create some content that reflects your unique expertise.
  • Train a team member to take over a key process from you

Every one of those things is creating value for you no matter what happens in the world.

So shut down social media, turn off the news until tonight, and build momentum for your business.

P.S. (Sometimes I write the things that I need to hear too.)

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