
Oh look! An opportunity to change everything!

There’s a lot of stress and fear right now. I feel the anxiety in every call! Where have all the clients gone? How long will this last like this? What’s next?

No matter how successful your business was eight weeks ago, you’re going to have to make changes this year. You can do it out of fear and desperation, or out of opportunity and gratefulness.

Instead of letting fear tell us we “have to” change, let’s come out the other side with a business that we like! A company that allows us to do the things we’re best at. Let’s leave behind the parts that we thought that we “had to do” or that we “should do” — we all know now — life’s too short for shoulds and have-tos.

  • What would you love to do? What makes your heart sing?
  • What is it that part of your brain won’t let go of — but the rest of you is resisting as “not practical”?

How can you move 5% closer to doing that?

  • And those things that you can’t stand about your job? The tasks you dread that make your days long and weary.
  • What’s the most time-consuming part of your current role? What keeps you chained to your desk day-after-day?

How can you change to do 5% less of those?

If you get to make all of this change — how can you use it to end up with a better job and a better life on the other side?

Hit reply and let me know what stirs in you as you read this! (I really do want to hear!)

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