
Sharpening your focus, so you can achieve your mission.

“Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do” – John Carmack

You are on a mission.

You wouldn’t be doing this work if you weren’t.

There’s something fundamental that you know is broken, that’s intolerable. Some opportunity, that, if you don’t grab it, someone else will.

But it’s not going to come easy; that old, crappy way of doing things is fighting back. And there are other firms out there selling crap that you know doesn’t work! Taking clients and projects that should be yours and screwing them up.

Time is short; you need to focus on that mission. Your time and energy needs to be solely in service of that mission.

If that’s where you are, here’s a list of things that you’re not going to do:

  • Tolerate poor performance.
  • Listen to self-doubt, late-night fears, or “what-if” stories.
  • “Wing it”: You know you need a plan.
  • Try a little of everything.
  • Go it all alone.
  • Play it safe.
  • Do what everyone else is doing. You aren’t even going to pay attention to what everyone else is doing.
  • Worry about who’s getting credit for it.
  • Let fear hold you back.

What would you add to this list? Hit reply and let me know what you are saying “no” to so you can focus on your mission.

Focus is a matter of deciding the things you are not going to do ~John Carmack

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