
So there’s something you want to create…

There was a day you decided to start that business.

On that day, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. You just began, and when obstacles came, you learned how to get over or around them to keep moving forward.

Since that day, you haven’t stopped. You have consistently taken steps toward your goal, no matter what showed up.

That’s why you have a business today!

You know how to create a vision of a future you want and take consistent steps toward that future in a way that creates real progress. You have done this and continue to do so today.

But what about…

Then there are those other goals. Those goals that are always a quarter or two away.

  • Taking more time off,
  • getting healthy,
  • dealing with that sticky employee issue,
  • writing the book,
  • creating bigger client relationships,

…whatever it is for you. Pick one!

Are you ready to commit to that goal in the same way you committed to starting your business?

All you have to do is never quit.

Earlier this year, I decided that 2024 was the year I took my health more seriously.

I’ve said that in years past. I’ve started on a weight loss program four or five times. I’ve been going to the gym for many years, but my overall health has been pretty static. Whenever I thought about changing things, I’d say, “What more can I do? I’m working out. It’s not like I’m giving eating like a teenager.” But my health wasn’t getting better.

This year, I committed. I joined a weight loss program. I decided I needed to find a way to eat my way to a healthy weight and continue with it for the rest of my life. This wasn’t a “diet;” this was a lifestyle change.

I started in February and immediately lost 7 pounds, but after that, I stayed stuck in a 5-pound range for over three months.

In the past, that frustration would have been enough for me to quit. But this time, I’m not quitting. I just passed 25% of my weight loss goal. It might take me 2 – 3 more years to reach that goal, but I will make it if I don’t quit.

What will keep you from giving up on yourself?

When you created your business, you stepped into a leadership role. You knew that to be successful, you had to make it happen.

How can you lead like that for one of these other goals? What are the ways you sabotage yourself on the way to those goals? What will keep you focused when you want to give up, doubt yourself, or get distracted?

I’d love to hear what comes up for you as you read this. Is a particular issue coming to mind? Tell me more…

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