Tips for Training and Developing Small Business Employees
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Train, Develop Your Team, Before you go broke!

As a small-business owner, you probably are bombarded with hundreds of direct-mail pieces and e-mails that promote upcoming training seminars and conferences. You might glance at the titles and think, “So-and-so could use some training in that,” but the thought goes no further. But, training your employees is an important issue that deserves your time…

Advice for Working with Family Members
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The Family That Works Together… Needs to Stay Together

Many of the small businesses that we encounter are family-owned and operated. And on the surface, this seems like a good idea. After all, you love your family, so why wouldn’t you want to work with them? You know them well and trust them, so it seems like a lower risk venture than relying on strangers. While working with…

motivating employees
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Motivating Your People to Stay

Your employees are job hunting. As the “jobless recovery” starts to create more opportunities, people who have stuck with you through the tough economy are going out and looking for greener pastures. The May 24th Newsweek reports that, “In the first quarter of 2004, 4.2 million people posted their resumes on Monster, the online job…