The BIG mistake you are making in your agency’s budget

The BIG mistake you are making in your agency’s budget

I’m reviewing budgets with clients right now, and I see one mistake over and over again. It’s a basic math error, but it’s hitting owners right in the wallet! Most of us were taught that Profit = Sales – Expenses. That’s wrong. Or at least it leads to wrong thinking! Let me explain. When new…


5 things you can do to improve cash flow (so you don’t need to sweat payroll)

I got a lot of reaction to my post about sweating out payroll; it seems that a lot of us are anxious about getting our cash in the door.  Here are five ways to improve the cash flow of any business! 1. Improve Your Payment Terms Setting favorable payment terms with your clients is the…


There’s nothing worse than sweating out payroll…

There’s nothing that makes me feel more like a failure than when I don’t know if I’m going to have the cash to cover payroll.  Vendors can wait, you can negotiate with bankers, even landlords will give you some leeway. But when your payroll is late you are affecting the lives and families of your…


My business used to be so simple, and now it’s gotten so complicated.

My client called because he was going to have to skip his paycheck this week. Something that hadn’t happened in a long time.  “Brad, I used to be able to keep track of my business in one spreadsheet. I had my pipeline on one tab, and my income on another tab and my expenses on…

Step-by-step guide to building your own crystal ball (or Budget)

Step-by-step guide to building your own crystal ball (or Budget)

We’ve been talking this week about the value of building a budget for your business — today we will do it. If you didn’t download my magic budget spreadsheet, you should do it now.  My budget spreadsheet builds your profit and loss statement for the next year by predicting the sales and expenses for each…