
There’s a time to work and a time to rest

Sorry I missed talking with you all last week.

It’s not that I didn’t have things to share with you; I’ve got some good stuff brewing. Neither is it that I don’t care about you or prioritize this conversation.

I was simply taking some time off to have fun!

I could have scrambled around the week before to pull something together (I tried doing that, but my brain wouldn’t cooperate) or tried to scribble something down in between meetings last week.

But multitasking is never good, and I was pretty sure I’d be left creating lousy conversations with you and lose out on the fun and relaxation that was available to me last week.

Make your time off restful.

A lot of folks are taking time off this month. If you are one of them, I beg you, don’t try to work on your vacation.

Anything that’s happening while you are away will still be there when you get back.

I go so far as to tell my house-sitter not to call us if the house burns down. There’s nothing we can do about it while on vacation; just get it boarded up, and we’ll deal with it when we get home.

Instead, vacation is an invitation to stress test your business. Whatever occurs that makes your staff want to check in with you needs to be fixed before your next vacation. Create a procedure, training, or policy to answer that question or enable them to keep going without you next time.

But this is just as important. Why are you not present to what’s happening on your vacation? Anything that makes you want to check in with your staff needs to be on your list of things to talk with your coach or therapist about!

What makes it hard to leave work at home and take a “real vacation?” Hit reply and let me know.

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