Time for Play
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about how clarifying your role frees you up to be bored on Friday at 4 PM!
The whole point of this exercise is that we want to do our job and only our job so that on Saturday, we don’t need to be doing the billing, writing a proposal, or catching up on email. We know how to get our work done during the regular workweek.
Today is Saturday; we’re on the cusp of full-on Summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere). Let’s get out and play today!
What’s play?
It’s whatever you want to do.
- Take a nap
- Go for a hike
- Bake bread
- Read a book (the fun one, not the businessy one)
Everything in nature goes in cycles; we breathe in and breathe out. The tides swell, then they ebb.
You’ve done the work – let’s go play!

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