What were those goals again?

Did you write yourself a shiny 2023 plan with aggressive goals for growth and change in your business?

How is that going for you?

We tend to launch into January hot to make 2024 our best year yet. Maybe we sat down with our team and laid out a plan for the year and attempted to enroll everyone in our vision. That felt great! Everyone got so excited.

But then the normal stresses of business showed up. One of the designers quit that first week back, and in the transition the team missed a project deadline. But there’s no time to stop – 1099’s have to go out and you need to get your books to the accountant so they can start tax prep.

Before you know it, that plan you wrote over the holidays is long forgotten by you and your team.

Worse yet, you’re starting to wonder if you even have the right priorities. There’s so much to do! What should I be focused on?

Taking your business in for a wellness checkup

It’s hard to read the label from inside the bottle. Which is why we don’t self-diagnose our body’s health.

Instead, we ask a professional to evaluate our health each year to point out the 2 – 3 things we need to focus on to maintain our health.

On February 12, Nathan Kreger, the coach/facilitator of our Business Owner’s Mastermind Group, will sit down with a group of business owners to identify those important priorities that can make a big difference in your 2024 performance.

Would you like to join them?

Nathan will walk everyone who attends through an interactive “business wellness check”.

This isn’t a boring webinar. We will work together precisely as we would in our Business Owner’s Mastermind Group. You’ll be able to offer your experience and expertise to other Business owners and learn from them at the same time.

We’ll explore every facet of your business, from new client acquisition to service delivery, profitability, and more.

You’ll walk away with a clear roadmap of where to focus your time and attention in the business this year to maximize both your time and profitability.

You don’t want to miss this. It’s going to set you up for a powerful 2024.

If you have questions or want to learn more, just hit reply, and I’ll try to answer them. The webinar is limited 6 attendees so that we can give everyone ample time. So register today to reserve your spot.

5 days to get
control of your
business (and life)

A 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling
and get your business moving again.