When you are scared, go for help
In Saturday’s message I told you about some big changes I made this year, and how in the middle of those changes (and even now) I can get griped by a terror that I’ve made a terrible mistake.
What made it worse is that I didn’t know where to go for help.
In the middle of those fears, I tried to talk to my wife about what was going on. That didn’t work — she was in the middle of the fear with me. If I came to her and told her that I was panicked, that I thought we had made a terrible mistake, she wasn’t calm and rational. She would panic along with me!
The same was true of my friends, even my business friends. Many of them thought that these changes were pretty risky. If I came to them and talked about what was running around my head, they would validate my fears and tell me to go back.
I needed help from the outside
Looking back at it, I spent more money on coaches, advisors, and consultants in 2019 than I ever have before because I needed those independent, rational, steady voices who were rooting for the changes to work. I joined a Mastermind group of other folks who were making big changes. I got help with my writing, with shaping my service offering, and with accountability.
And that made all the difference.
- When I was panicking, they’d remind me why I started on this journey. They’d point out all the lies my brain was feeding me.
- When I was whining about how hard this is, they’d kick my ass and tell me to get moving again.
- When I wanted to quit, they kept me moving forward.
Who keeps you sane when your worst fears are running amok in your head? What does it cost you not to have someone to keep you moving forward when that happens?
Hit reply and let me know, I read every email and reply to most!

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