
Why you do what you do

Leading your business is going to be hard.

  • You spend half your vacation on the computer or phone and still return to a huge pile of work.
  • People turn in lousy work; some even steal from you, others refuse to pay you.
  • You earn client’s trust, and then they get disappointed by your team.
  • You work your butt off, and over-deliver and the client fires you anyway.

But despite this, you spend late nights. You work weekends. You go for years without earning the money you could have been making back at your corporate gig.

Why do you keep going?

Because you can see it.

You know that you are doing something important, something that will make a difference, that will leave a mark.

Your clients see it too; that’s why they’re here.

If you’re doing a great job as a leader, your team is starting to see it. That’s what makes working here more than just a job for them.

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt

If you’ve found a thing like that, you are one of the luckiest people on the planet! Never forget that!

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