Tips for Achieving Small Business Goals
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Are You Writing Goals – or Achieving Them?

Many of us have just completed setting our goals for 2009 (and if you haven’t yet, stop reading this right now and get going on it!). Writing down your goals is a great first step toward achieving them. But once you’re done with this exercise, then what? Unfortunately, for so many business owners, the next…

How to Communicate Small Business Values & Vision
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Don’t Just Communicate – Overcommunicate!

We all know the importance of communication in business. But what if, despite our communication efforts, our staff members don’t retain the important information we need them to know? Things like: What is our company’s vision? What is our company’s mission? What are we focused on improving this year or this quarter? What is our standard elevator pitch that…

Tips on Using Customer Feedback for Small Businesses
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When to Listen to Your Customers (and when NOT to!)

We have all heard the saying, “Always listen to your customers.” But let’s be honest. Your customers do say some pretty … um, stupid things, don’t they? Of course, when our customers have good things to say, we are all ears.  It’s wonderful to get positive feedback. When our work is appreciated it’s fulfilling, rewarding and…