
Avoiding the Myth of 24/7 Hustle Culture.

The messages from last week where I talked about freeing ourselves from the endless grind with no finish line and the idea of reframing our work to be light, easy, and fun brought out many encouraging replies, including this one:

Hey, Brad!

This morning, I reflected that 10 years ago, I was grinding, traveling, building a course with a partner in Europe (which failed to launch), hiring people, had no insight into whether we were crushing it (we weren’t) and on a path to total collapse!

Today, celebrated 6 months in a new city, just completed my third week at a local CrossFit gym, don’t log on until 10 AM, try to wrap by 5 PM, and have no partners or employees… but still made a profit last year, contributing to retirement, and making friends in a new town.

The main thing… avoiding the Myth of 24/7 Hustle Culture.

Where do you see yourself on the scale from “24/7 Hustle Culture” to my work is light, easy, and fun?

If you wanted to move further toward the light, easy, and fun direction, what’s one action you could take?

Hit reply and tell me; I’m curious to hear!

By the way, you can get a 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling and get moving again. Learn more here.