
How’s everyone’s pipeline right now?

I’m part of a Slack community filled with agency owners, and last week one of the participants asked, “How’s everyone’s pipeline right now? Have changes in the economy impacted your sales results?” What followed was a deluge of reports; There are certain sectors where the story is different, and I have clients who are closing…

Why do clients do nothing (even when they tell you they need your help)?

Why do clients do nothing (even when they tell you they need your help)?

When we are talking to a potential client, the most likely outcome is that they will do nothing. I bet if you went back through your CRM and looked at the deals that didn’t close, 75% of those prospects didn’t hire anyone to help them with their problem. This is heartbreaking – you did all…


When you hunt ghosts, you get ghosted!

Thanks for all the replies I got to this week’s emails – it’s easy to see that we are all experiencing similar challenges! One reply to Thursday’s email about eliminating business development follow-up was worth noting. It said, Most people, me included, lie to themselves about why things don’t work out in biz dev… self-blame,…