Tips on Using Customer Feedback for Small Businesses
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When to Listen to Your Customers (and when NOT to!)

We have all heard the saying, “Always listen to your customers.” But let’s be honest. Your customers do say some pretty … um, stupid things, don’t they? Of course, when our customers have good things to say, we are all ears.  It’s wonderful to get positive feedback. When our work is appreciated it’s fulfilling, rewarding and…

Business Owner is a Title, Not a Job Description
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Business Owner is a Title, Not a Job Description

While many business owners consider well-defined job descriptions crucial to their business, how many have actually taken the time to create a job description for themselves? Not many. But, a business owner needs a job description just as much as the rest of the team. In fact, a business owner may need a job description…

Advice for Working with Family Members
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The Family That Works Together… Needs to Stay Together

Many of the small businesses that we encounter are family-owned and operated. And on the surface, this seems like a good idea. After all, you love your family, so why wouldn’t you want to work with them? You know them well and trust them, so it seems like a lower risk venture than relying on strangers. While working with…

Planning for Growth and Success
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Planning for Growth and Success

Almost all business owners want their businesses to grow. They want to see more sales and profits. They want to offer their employees the opportunity to learn and achieve. But, how do business owners actually achieve the growth they want? Well, it takes much more than merely wanting growth, that’s for sure. When you go on a trip, you…

The Value of Vacations for Small Business Owners
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Try Not Getting Things Done

It’s August now in the Northern Hemisphere – time for vacations, traveling, family reunions and other fun summer stuff. It’s the one time when everyone seems to take a break. Unfortunately, there were times in my career when I didn’t consider August as being much fun. In fact, it was a hassle. Nothing got accomplished; no one was around…