What to think about if you are NOT rushing to reopen your office.
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What to think about if you are NOT rushing to reopen your office.

On Tuesday we reviewed some reasons why you might want to reopen your office right away, today let’s look at some things to consider if you are not rushing back into the office.  Giving folks the option to keep working from home makes room for those who still have challenges with childcare, or who might…

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Why *should* I bring my team back into the office?

With cities starting to re-open after the COVID pause business owners are asking the question, should I re-open my office? If you are thinking about re-opening your office, you’d better have a good reason! Your company has spent the last two months working at home, and there’s a number of them who are liking it….

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Which is worth more to your company; a great employee, or a perfect fit client?

Which is worth more to your company; a great employee, or a perfect fit client. I think for most of us, the answer is simple; I’ll take a new client (revenue) over a new employee (expense) any day! But before you answer, think about one of your top team members; how much do they improve…

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Are you a Fixer, or are you a Captain ⚓️

We talked on Tuesday about how “doing the thing” holds you back from the changes you need to make to grow your business. If you want to make substantial changes to your business (you know, the kind of changes that scare you), you need to let go of delivering services to clients. Let one of my Mastermind Group member’s stories…


How did this valuable, trusted, employee turn into a dilemma?

“He’s been with us from the beginning. I think he was the fourth employee hired in the company!” This is how the conversation started with one of my clients who was telling me about his “problem employee.” “Things started great.” Joshua came to them through a friend, and when they met him, they could see…