
Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?

“Sure, Brad, this mastermind thing sounds great. But I can just get 4 business owner friends together and make my own Mastermind…”

Six months ago I was talking to a business owner about how much she needed to make changes in her business. She realized that time was running out. Her lead generation efforts were not bringing in business, her contracts were running out, she had already made a list of people that she’d have to lay off.

As we talked through her challenges she told me that she’s had a hard time focusing, the anxiety of her situation overwhelms her some days and she gets nothing done. She told me that to have accountability and community would be a game-changer for her.

But she didn’t join my group.

Wendy decided she’d do it herself, she’d pull together her own group and “save the money.”

I hung up from that call with a heavy heart.

Sure, I wanted her to join the Mastermind because I knew that if she joined we’d help her to turn those things around. I’m seeing it every week as we’re meeting together.

But I also knew she wasn’t going to get the help she needs from her “do-it-yourself” Mastermind Group.

  • She already had 20 projects on her list that she wasn’t getting to, how is she going to start a group?
  • It can be hard for peers to hold one another accountable. If someone isn’t making progress how hard are you going to be on them? Especially if you aren’t making progress either!
  • When you’re running a Mastermind, you’re not fully participating. You’re not getting the same value that you’d get if you were only there to get what you need.

I just followed up with her, and the good news is, she still has a business. Yes, she laid-off most of her team, no, she’s still not closing the deals she needs.

Oh, and that Mastermind, never got off the ground.

Now is the time.

Getting help for your business and support for you to lead and grow your business is easier when your business is healthy and thriving. That’s the time to invest in growth, to build your own capacity, to develop your community of support.

I’ve got two spots left in my newest group and if you’re even asking the question, “Is this for me,” then you need to hit reply. No obligation. Just reply back to me and we’ll go from there. 

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