
Lies I hear: Sure, I’m a workaholic, but I love it!

I’m starting an occasional series where I talk about some of the lies I hear from the business owners that I speak to. They don’t always know that they are lying to me, but over time, I’ve come to hear these phrases as lies. 

Today we start with this one, “Sure, I’m a workaholic. I work all the time and don’t have much of a social life, or any hobbies, but I love it! I wouldn’t change a thing.

Ok, maybe this isn’t always a lie. Some people do love to work, it’s challenging, it’s rewarding, and focusing only on work it makes life simpler. 

But even if you are happy working hard, you have to realize that your ability to do this is temporary. 

  • You might want to have kids,
  • You might get ill, or have an accident,
  • You might want to care for a loved one,
  • You might find an opportunity to contribute that goes beyond your business. 
  • Older entrepreneurs will also tell you about the day that they woke up, and work wasn’t enough anymore.

But I do love to work

Let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s say you won the lottery tomorrow; you have more money than you could ever spend; would you keep working just the same way you are today?

If not, you aren’t doing this because you “love it,” you’re doing this for money. 

I asked myself this exact question 17 years ago, and it changed the trajectory of my business. I asked it again two years ago, and I’m in the middle of changing it all again. 

You don’t have to work like this if you don’t want to. There might be a better life out there for you. 

How have you believed this lie? What would you change if you won the lottery?

Every reply to these emails goes right into my inbox, and I read every one. If you want to talk more about living a better life, hit reply. I want to hear about it.

By the way, you can get a 5 day plan to get rid of that overwhelmed feeling and get moving again. Learn more here.