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How to increase your focus, so you can get more traction!

Last week’s email about “Focus increases Traction” produced this response from one reader:

I’m prompted by your email about trying to do too many things at once and how much you can get done when you finally focus with a group that will hold you accountable and help you workshop your ideas.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve hired branding experts (twice), read books on branding, and been cajoled by employees in the past to explain my ‘why,’ but I never achieved what I needed until I worked in a small group of peers (2+me) each starting our own businesses and needing to do this work. We meet once a week for 4 hours and review our homework, workshop our ideas, and provide feedback and business ideas. I’m finally accomplishing everything I’ve tried so many times before to do.

It’s all because we have a standing meeting time, are accountable to get our homework done so we don’t let ourselves and each other down, and are learning together. While I put mine together informally, I finally see the value of a group like this is worth the thousands of dollars it costs to be in an official mastermind group. I had to experience it for myself to understand the value.

Do one thing at a time well. Fragmentation and boredom kill our entrepreneurial endeavors. I think you told me that! It’s true.

Do you need a group that will hold your feet to the fire? Who won’t let you wander off with every new idea or distraction?

Is now the time when you need to make progress on growing your business?

If so, hit reply and let’s talk.

2020 has been a real ride, and I don’t expect 2021 to be any smoother sailing. You don’t have to go it alone.

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