We all have the same problems (Reading time 2 min 30 sec)

We all have the same problems (Reading time 2 min 30 sec)

My son, who works in the restaurant industry, sent me this fantastic podcast where David Chang interviews Chris Bianco (of Pizzeria Bianco) and Chad Robertson (of Tartine Bakery) about their lives and careers. It’s incredible; you should listen to it. But what struck me most about the interview was how the problems, fears, and challenges…

7 signs that you may be headed for business owner burnout
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7 signs that you may be headed for business owner burnout

The stereotype of a business owner is the ever optimistic ball of energy who’s working hard, playing hard and enjoying life; and I meet a fair number of business owners who fit that stereotype. Over the last couple of years though I’ve noticed that a growing number of the folks I’m meeting fit in a…