How to determine when to fire an employee
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How One-Sentence Job Descriptions can help you get back to basics

Business can become very complicated, especially as your business grows. But there’s a need to maintain simplicity amid all of the chaos. At this year’s Chick-fil-A Leadercast, author Andy Stanley talked about simplifying one of the most important tools we have in business — the job description. Usually job descriptions are a page or several pages…

Business Owner is a Title, Not a Job Description
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Business Owner is a Title, Not a Job Description

While many business owners consider well-defined job descriptions crucial to their business, how many have actually taken the time to create a job description for themselves? Not many. But, a business owner needs a job description just as much as the rest of the team. In fact, a business owner may need a job description…

Tips for Replacing Lost Employees for Small Business
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Butts in the Seats

The words “I quit” may signify the end for an employee, but for an employer, the words can mean the beginning of a long, often painful process. When I was General Manager for a 120 person manufacturing company, my right-hand man left for a promotion at a nearby company. Almost immediately after, half the team followed him. I was…