How to price your services HIGHER than your competitors.

How to price your services HIGHER than your competitors.

In my recent survey of over 100 business owners, I asked them to agree or disagree with the following statement.  We are priced significantly higher than our competitors.  The results showed an almost perfect “bell curve,” with a slight tilt toward agreeing. Which brings up the question, “How do we know what our competitors are charging?…

Who is your tribe if you’re not industry focused?

Who is your tribe if you’re not industry focused?

In our last conversation, we talked about choosing an industry, or vertical specialization, as a way to find your “people like us,” but what if there’s not one industry that fits your business? One of my clients, Diane Yetter of Yetter Tax, helps people with their most difficult sales tax problems. Though we think of sales…

Stable company org chart

Stages in Business Growth (PART 3)

Just like children, businesses grow through predictable phases. We talked about start life as baby startups, that progress to raging growth companies in our first email. Then we talked about the adolescent crisis that leads to specialization. Today, we finally reach a more stable “adult” phase. Here’s my version of this story focused primarily on B2B…

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Why doing one thing over and over WORKS (Reading Time 2 min 20 sec)

Finding your core service that is valuable to your ideal client and focusing on that means that you are going to do a lot of similar assignments. For creative people, this sounds like a kind of death. “You want me to do this thing over, and over, and over, and…ARUAGHHHH!” Well, yes, and no… First,…

What it means to be the “costs more, but worth it” provider (read time 3.5 min)

What it means to be the “costs more, but worth it” provider (read time 3.5 min)

To get a premium price for your services it’s important to be positioned as the “costs more, but worth it” provider. Your prospects need to see you as substantially different from your competitors. And not just different like you “dye your hair orange” different, different in a way that makes you uniquely qualified to solve…