
The best way to make progress is to get help.

OK, so we’ve been talking about The Resistance for a few days. We’ve seen how subtle it can be, how tricky the lies can get. We know it costs us energy, confidence, and progress in our business and our life.

So what can you do to defeat The Resistance?

The Resistance is in your head. It knows you inside and out and uses your greatest fears against you. Once we accept this, it becomes obvious that we cannot fight it alone, because we are actually just fighting ourselves.

We need help to keep us focused and resilient. We need a team. If you go head-to-head with The Resistance you have no point of reference; you have no place to stand, it’s like fighting a whirlwind from the inside. 

You need a team to beat The Resistance because:

  • A team gives you outside perspective and grounds you in reality when you hear the haunting lies that The Resistance loves to convince you of.
  • A team asks you the right probing questions that push you past the uncertainty that The Resistance put there that made you hesitate and waffle. 
  • A team saves you time while giving you energy, confidence, and momentum without the darkness that The Resistance brings.

Now, it’s not your employee’s job to be that team. You need to recruit a team of peers, professionals, friends or other supporters who are willing to help you.

We need help building that team and overcoming The Resistance. We need perspective, wisdom, and grounding that can only come from outside help.

Let’s get on the phone together

If you’ve been following along with me on these emails you have invested time and energy in making yourself a better business owner and I want to support that. I’m tired of seeing The Resistance wreak havoc on us!

So, I’ve to opened up time for a limited number of calls for readers of this email over the next two weeks. If you want to see how having someone in your corner could transform your business and your life then I want to gift you the time to experience that. I’m not here to sell you anything, I just want you help you to overcome the predictable barriers to growing your business. This hour is all about you, and your business.

So if you want to spend an hour with me to make progress on these issues hit reply and let me know.

Together we can move forward!

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