
You’re right; you don’t have all the answers!

I was first put in charge of a company when I was 33.

I’d been out of college for 11 years, and for 8 of them, I was an engineer – hooking wires together to make motors turn. I had no practical experience in leading a company!

So when I gathered my staff together for my first executive team meeting, and they turned to me for “the answer,” I instantly realized that I didn’t have any idea what to say.

No one has all the answers.

When I think about the best leaders I ever worked for; they were adamant; they didn’t have the answers either!

The most effective CEO I ever worked for was famous for saying that his job was to,

“Find talented people, connect them with interesting problems, and then get out of their way!”

He expected his team to have the answers.

That’s what I love about Mastermind Groups.

If you’ve ever felt like you don’t have all the answers, Mastermind Groups are for you.

When you join a Mastermind Group, the expectation is that you will bring questions, things you don’t know how to do or that you don’t understand, and the group will bring their wisdom to help you make progress.

I love watching folks bring issues to the group and learning that they can trust the input of the group – that they don’t have to have all the answers.

Come join us

I currently have openings in my $1M+ Mastermind, as well as my emerging businesses Mastermind (for those solopreneurs who have started to bring on staff but are not yet at $1M in sales)

If you don’t have the answers and want a place to bring your questions, hit reply, and let’s chat to see if you’d be a fit.

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