
What Does Great Leadership Look Like? (Hint: It’s More Than Just Results.)

When I was given the chance to lead in a corporate setting, I (quite naturally) copied the leadership models I saw around me. Some leaders delivered results with a lot of top-down “command and control” behavior. Others would try to serve their team by being the hero, swooping in to save the day whenever there…

The Power of Presence

A group of agency owners recently told me their most significant obstacle to having more “best days” was simply too many meetings. They felt overwhelmed, with no time to process one conversation before diving into the next. While scheduling adjustments can help, the real solution lies in fundamentally shifting how you are being in those…

More Best Days

“All I want to know is where I’m going to die, so I’ll never go there.” — Charlie Munger Last week, I talked about who I was on my best days and how different that person was from me on my worst days. I want to be that best-day-Brad more often! So I looked again at…

Are we there yet?

A farmer plants a bamboo seed in the ground. He waters it every day for the first year, but nothing seems to happen. The same happens in the second, third, and fourth years—nothing visible grows above ground. However, the bamboo is developing a strong root system beneath the surface. Finally, in the fifth year, the…


Being vs. doing

Who I’m being is more important than what I’m doing. I can do all the right things. I can make budgets and forecasts and track my pipeline and closing ratios, but that might not create more certainty in my finances. I can map out my customer touchpoints, develop relevant case studies, and create compelling content, but still not…