PROPOSALS…HUNH! YEAH! What are they good for?
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PROPOSALS…HUNH! YEAH! What are they good for?

(ACTUALLY? Not a whole lot.) I work with a lot of service firm owners and there’s one thing they all hate, and that’s writing proposals. They love meeting with prospects, identifying the problems the prospects are having, and talking about how they can help. But then they get back to their office and the work…

Price increase letter: My first experience raising my prices
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Price increase letter: My first experience raising my prices

We often see business owners undervalue their services. So we often preach about raising your prices. But we get a lot of hesitancy because many owners are afraid they’ll lose clients, and/or not be able to attract new ones. So we asked Kaleigh Moore who runs We Are Lumen about her first experience raising her prices and…

Crafting a price increase notice: 6 ways to tell your clients
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Crafting a price increase notice: 6 ways to tell your clients

To start, here’s a little price increase notice sample. I then follow it up with 6 ways to how to tell clients you’re raising your prices below: Dear John (your client’s name is John, right?); How are you doing? We used to be so close. Lately there’s been some distance between us; I just want…

Small Business Pricing: The Price Your Clients Pay
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Small Business Pricing: The Price Your Clients Pay

If you own a professional-service business, pricing is probably high on your list of challenges. How can you align the value created by your work with any tangible measure? It’s not easy, but it can be done. With products, it’s easier. Look at the market price for similar or substitute products and compare the features,…

Don't Sell Yourself - Or Your Services - Short
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Don’t Sell Yourself – Or Your Services – Short

Many new professional-service or creative-service businesses price their services below market as a way to bring in business. There is some logic to this practice. Since you lack client references and a demonstrated track record, there is more risk for the initial few clients. But pretty soon, as business increases, so too does your overhead. You may want to hire…