Buisness Pivot in a Time of Continuous Change

What are you going to tell your grandkids about 2020?

2020 started with protests in Hong Kong, then bushfires in Australia. In the US, we had impeachment hearings and an over 1000 point drop in the stock market. Then came COVID and shutdown/quarantine, which sent millions of workers into a long work-from-home (with children “e-learning”) experiment. That was just the first quarter. Since then, we’ve…

The key to organic business growth: Don’t let your business get stagnant
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The key to organic business growth: Don’t let your business get stagnant

“What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don’t change, you die. It’s that simple. It’s that scary.” – Leonard Sweet Let’s face it. The last four…

Top 5 Predictions for Small Business in 2015
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Top 5 Predictions for Small Business in 2015 (and how to prepare)

Based on the broad economic indicators 2015 is shaping up to be a terrific year for the US economy. The question is, for most business owners, “What will that mean for mybusiness?” A robust economy generally means that our customers have more money to spend, so our sales pipelines might start to really move again….

Lessons for Small Business Owners in a Recovering Economy
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Making A Comeback

Now that we’re getting settled into 2010, the economic climate is starting to change – slowly, but it’s changing. The intense pressure is off and business owners feel like they can breathe (a little) again. Many have realized they didn’t lose as much business as they thought they would, and some are seeing their businesses…