What’s going to make next year different from this year?

What’s going to make next year different from this year?

I know we’re all looking forward to turning the page on 2020. It’s been a year. But things don’t automatically improve just because we change the calendar, right? If you want 2021 to be different from 2020, you need to take different actions and make different decisions. It’s not automatic; you have to make it…

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Riding the roller coaster of entrepreneurship

Running my own business produced some of the best days of my life, and some of the worst. I’ve won big deals and then lost them again. I’ve hired the perfect person who would transform my business only to have them accept a counter-offer. I’ve sent an offer out to my list that got a great response,…

Buisness Pivot in a Time of Continuous Change

What are you going to tell your grandkids about 2020?

2020 started with protests in Hong Kong, then bushfires in Australia. In the US, we had impeachment hearings and an over 1000 point drop in the stock market. Then came COVID and shutdown/quarantine, which sent millions of workers into a long work-from-home (with children “e-learning”) experiment. That was just the first quarter. Since then, we’ve…