How to have hope.

To have hope requires bravery and vulnerability. To hope is to risk disappointment. Giving up hope protects you from disappointment, from being let down, and from looking like a fool who believes in such poppycock. But when you are doing something new, something exciting and potentially spectacular, there will be plenty of voices telling you…

How’s your relationship…with your business?

Casey and Caitlin from the magical BWB invited me to guest on their Questions to Hold podcast. We explored the relationship between leadership and business growth, from understanding ourselves to championing our true identities and finding the gift in our blind spots. If you want the details, listen to the whole episode. But the moment…


Silent Saturday

Our local AYSO soccer league designates one game each season as Silent Saturday, where they ask the parents and the coaches not to shout at the players during the game. No instructions about what play to run. No encouragement when they excel or coaching when we perceive that they fail. For that one Saturday, the…