How much work is too much? (A message from Dolly Parton.)

How much work is too much? (A message from Dolly Parton.)

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. (Hopefully, you’ve planned something for your significant other. If not, you’re welcome!) In honor of tomorrow’s holiday, my message to you today is a short one…in the ageless words of Dolly Parton, “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life!” Those words come from a…


Why is it so hard to make progress right now?

What are the things that make you the happiest in your life? Those times or activities that make you feel like life is worth living, that feed your soul. When I was brainstorming this, I came up with: Spending time with my children Visiting National Parks and experiencing wild places. Live music and dancing! A…


What if I don’t love what I do?

Maybe owning a firm hasn’t turned out to be what you thought it was going to be. You’re doing mostly sales, bookkeeping, and administration when you thought you’d be having client strategy meetings and developing breakthrough concepts. The days are long, and the rewards are, so far, thin. The honeymoon is over, and you’re left…