
Money Mantras?

“A Mantra is a protector of the mind.” ~ Chris Dorris You can’t get very far into working on your money mindset before someone starts telling you about their “money mantra.” At first, I scoffed at these pithy sayings. I felt like people are treating them like they are magic spells. If you search for…


What we practice grows stronger

“We’ve been conditioned to spend an enormous amount of time rehearsing what could go wrong and what has gone wrong.” Chris Dorris On Tuesday, we discussed how we frequently imagine and rehearse negative outcomes of significant events. When I’ve got a big proposal presentation or performance review scheduled, I often go over it in my…


Why time off makes you MORE productive.

In the US, we have this concept of earning vacation time. Your HR system accrues so much vacation time for every pay period. It does that for accounting reasons. I’m not saying that’s “wrong” – it’s just a misunderstanding of time-off. When we work hard, we deplete ourselves. That’s why, no matter how engaged you…