
I’m currently forming a new Mastermind Group. 

Last week I wrote to you about the challenges I was having. I got several nice notes back from you, encouraging me. I appreciate that! My attitude lifted seeing your notes and reading your replies. This week I’ve been talking with more business owners who are facing similar challenges. With all the change and stress 2020…

What to think about if you are NOT rushing to reopen your office.
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What to think about if you are NOT rushing to reopen your office.

On Tuesday we reviewed some reasons why you might want to reopen your office right away, today let’s look at some things to consider if you are not rushing back into the office.  Giving folks the option to keep working from home makes room for those who still have challenges with childcare, or who might…


There’s no room for crutches when you’re running a marathon.

I was onboarding a new client, she was telling me about some challenges she faced running her branding firm when she said,  “I don’t do numbers.”  “Excuse me? What was that?” I asked. “I don’t do numbers. I’m more of an art person; math, and numbers aren’t my thing.” “I see. You don’t do any…


Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?

“Sure, Brad, this mastermind thing sounds great. But I can just get 4 business owner friends together and make my own Mastermind…” Six months ago I was talking to a business owner about how much she needed to make changes in her business. She realized that time was running out. Her lead generation efforts were…


Are you driving with your eye on the end of the hood?

When I learned to drive, we watched a series of videos that taught us some simple “rules” for good drivers. One of those rules was “Aim high when driving.” The instructor was trying to keep us from looking right at the end of the car instead of watching further down the road and trusting that the…