Tiered Pricing – Pros and Cons and How to Implement It
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Tiered Pricing – Pros and Cons and How to Implement It

Putting ‘Good, Better, Best’ Pricing into Action How much more profitable could your business be if you could sell your services at higher prices? The answer is way more profitable, right?  Tiered pricing could be the answer to this conundrum. The strategy is successful for many reasons. It’s a great way to raise prices without…

The secret to filling your new business pipeline: Outreach
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The secret to filling your new business pipeline: Outreach

The sales funnel is a useful concept for helping us visualize the journey that a prospect makes toward becoming a customer. But the idea of the “funnel” makes the process seem more predictable than most of us find in practice! Just because someone is in your funnel doesn’t mean that they will buy, or even…

Riding the Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship in the Genius Zone
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Riding the Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship in the Genius Zone

Being an entrepreneur might sound like a glamorous and lucrative career, but the reality is that entrepreneurship is more of a roller coaster ride. If you aren’t expecting the ups and downs, then you aren’t prepared for the experience.  Running my own business has been nothing less than some of the best experiences of my…

How to reduce your client’s risk, when everything is risky
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How to reduce your client’s risk, when everything is risky

In 2020, we are living in a time when ambient risks have skyrocketed. The economic risks, social risks, and public health risks are massively higher than they were last year. This includes the risk of hiring a professional services firm. People hire these experts to reduce their risk of negative outcomes. For example: I could…

5 Keys to Growing Beyond $1M in Sales
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5 Keys to Growing Beyond $1M in Sales

“What got you here won’t get you there!” ~ Marshall Goldsmith Congratulations, you’ve grown your business and achieved a major milestone, one million in revenue. Well done! It’s a huge achievement. Less than 4% of business in America reach this goal.  Now that you’ve celebrated, let’s talk about your next steps. Do you want to…

Reopening Your Office Safely During COVID-19
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Reopening Your Office Safely During COVID-19

As if living through a global pandemic wasn’t enough — you’re a business owner, so you have to become an expert on SBA loan guidelines and now learn all about CDC recommendations too? We’re here to help you out. Here’s the CDC’s workplace decision tree and our advice about what to think about when reopening……

Online alternatives to Vistage
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Online alternatives to Vistage

“It’s lonely at the top” is a common expression for good reason — for CEOs, it’s especially true. Sure, you’re surrounded by people and if you’re fortunate — good people. But who do you talk to when you need someone with a similar perspective as you?  Family is unlikely to fully understand the intricacies of…

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Knowing your “stage of growth” to maximize your business success

When you’re deep in the day-to-day of your own business, you might be surprised to find that most B2B service businesses follow the same “lifecycle.” Including yours!  Recognizing this is the first step toward reaching your next level of success. Because it means you can follow a blueprint of what other business owners before you…